$PYLON Is The Only DeFi Project Of It’s Kind.

Pylon Finance 2.0
2 min readOct 10, 2020


Have you ever stopped to think about how money is being made?

No? Thought so.

If you think about it really hard for JUST a second, you realize there are a few ways money is currently being made:

  • Code — inflation mechanisms and token distribution. Literally, money is being printed (tokenomics, yield farming)
  • Leverage — people offer up money as capital, and other people can borrow to use for long/shorts, or whatever else. Interest is made.
  • Liquidity — DEX’s like Uniswap rely on user funds to ensure low price impact and swap fees for all users. In return, people being an LP get a share of the funds.
  • Insurance — Options or companies like Nexus Mutual rely on users putting up funds as collateral, that will be used in case of an accident or policyholder loss of funds.

Notice something though?

All of these methods rely on using money to beget money or using money to protect other people's money. It’s all circular and doesn’t really attract much new capital inflow.

How is $PYLON Different?

PYLON starts out by leveraging people's liquidity — sure. But INSTEAD of just keeping it among users and redistributing through governance, it uses fees to BUILD another income source entirely.

So instead of money begetting money, $PYLON is building ACTUAL NEW value to the system.

Not just online for ourselves- but for our partners as well. $PYLON also has real world impact as well — there’s no way we can deploy multi-million dollar mining infrastructure without hiring workers, supporting our local economy, etc.

Buy Into The Unforkable

Right now, there’s zero incentive in defi to be unique or solve something novel. Someone younger, smarter, or faster will just fork your code off of Github, make a few tweaks, and make way more money than you.

And while people COULD do the same with $PYLON…

Our economic moat with our skills in hosting mining farms, profitably optimizing them, and continually scaling is unmatched.

Until cloning becomes a thing, there’s no way for anyone that would want to do what we’re doing would be able to “fork” our mining infrastructure.

Buffet is a big fun of owning companies that have “large economic moat” — basically, ones that are leaders in their space and their biggest rivals are a far and distant second place. Think Coke, Banks, Apple, etc.

IF Buffet was in the space, he’d be able to appreciate what $PYLON is doing, and how NO ONE else is doing what we are.

And if they tried — they would be a decade+ behind in experience, and would need to raise SERIOUS funds to even contest.

But idk, could be psyops though.

See you on the other side.

